- Interactions.org – Particle physics news and resources. For example, The Quantum Universe contains a report identifying and addressing the key questions now faced by high energy physics, particle astrophysics and cosmology. The report was comissioned by the US National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy as an advisory tool for scientific policy.
- Symmetry Magazine – a magazine about particle physics published by Fermilab and SLAC. Symmetry breaking is their news section.
- Lord of the Ring – a film about LHC
- Hands-on CERN – An educational project about Particle Physics aimed at teachers and high school students.
- IPPOG – The International Particle Physics Outreach Group
- A cute animated video about IceCube.
Popular articles by Swedish physicists (mostly in Swedish)
- Tillbaka till Big Bang – SVDs recollection of the start of the LHC based on talks with Swedish scientists at CERN, November 2009.
- Dark Stars – Article about dark stars in Populär Astronomi, issue 3, 2008.
- SR interview with Allan Hallgren and Olga Botner on IceCube, June 2009.
- “Ett mer eller mindre skämtsamt inlägg av Otto Frisch i debatten om energiproduktion år 1954”, Gösta Ekspong, KOSMOS 2008: 83-86.
- Interview in Morgonpasset, radio channel P3, January 2017.
- Article about dark matter in Fysikaktuellt, June 2018.