Membership in the Section of Particle and Astroparticle Physics requires becoming a member of the Swedish Physical Society. For more information and an on-line application form please look at the SFS website.
To enhance scientific relations and improve communications between physicists in Sweden and in the UK and Ireland, the Institute of Physics (IoP) and the Swedish Physical Society agree to extend the benefits of membership of their societies as follows:
Members of the Swedish Physical Society normally resident in Sweden may:
- a) attend IoP conferences at IoP member rates,
- b) have access to the IoP London headquarters during normal office hours, including access to the Members Centre and facilities available within them,
- c) subscribe to the IoP monthly physics magazine Physics World at a substantially reduced fee,
- d) purchase books published by Institute of Physics Publishing at reduced rates.
Members of the Institute of Physics normally resident in the UK or Ireland may attend Swedish Physical Society meetings at Swedish Physical Society member rates.
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