Sektionen för acceleratorfysik – hem

Sektionen för acceleratorfysik är en ny sektionen inrättad under 2024.

Sweden has a long tradition of research developing and operating accelerators. The real start was with Olle Wernholm and Hannes Alfvén at Atomforskningsinstitutet in Stockholm in the 1940’ies with the development of a betatron followed by different microtrons. Research at Gustav Werner Institutet and later The Svedberg laboratoriet in Uppsala developed from the same period. We have seen the Celsius ring in Uppsala, Cryring in Stockholm, Lucy and the MAX I, II and III in Lund. In parallel Swedish research groups have been and are involved in numerous international projects, from FAIR (with Cryring) and CERN to Myrrha, Dones and EuXFEL.

While the history involves many projects, the current times is a boom for accelerators in Sweden. We now have Desiree in Stockholm, MAX IV in Lund and the international ESS also in Lund. We have laser particle accelerators in Umeå and Lund and we have the Freia laboratory in Uppsala. We have electron beam treatment accelerators in many of the large hospitals and we have the proton accelerator at Skandionkliniken in Uppsala. We have industry such as Scandinova and Scanditronix a.o.

There is now a critical mass to gather for future development and exploration of Accelerator physics.

En första styrelse valdes 2024 bestående av:

• Ansgar Simonsson, Stockholms universitet
• Maja Olvegård, Uppsala universitet
• Mamad Eshraqi, ESS
• Mikael Lindholm, ScandiNova Systems
• Olle Lundh, Lunds universitet
• Sverker Werin, Lunds universitet och MAX-IV (ordförande)